Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History!

Tag Archives: kindness

Let me start by saying, I LOVE THE LIBRARY!!!  However, my latest adventure in the library went far beyond my technology skill box.  I never imagined a scanner would be so incredibly difficult to use.   I came to the SMU library to scan in one of my drawings, because it was too big to scan at home.  First attempt=scanned half of the picture at a horrible image quality. Second attempt=failed to scan any part of the drawing.  Third attempt=I asked for assistance and (DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLL) TA-DA!! I now have a digital copy of my ENTIRE drawing at a really high image resolution!! Lesson Learned? Ask for help and you can learn new skills and get things done much more efficiently. 🙂 Thank you to the Library staff at Saint Martin’s University for being so helpful! 🙂 Pride and Joy